TAM Trek is MALT's #1 community fundraiser
Each year, participants race, run, and hike around the TAM, raising dollars to support our beloved emerald necklace. Business sponsors help MALT raise nearly half the dollars that contribute to the trail's annual maintenance. Each year, we have nearly 30 businesses donate cash to the TAM and over 20 businesses contribute raffle prizes for participants.
Consider becoming a business sponsor today, our community appreciates your gift!!
2023 TAM Trek Business Sponsor Form
why our sponsors love the tam:
“We are office neighbors with MALT, but more importantly we enjoy getting out to explore the TAM in all seasons. Thank you for maintaining the trails and for the trail markings to guide us.” -Community Investment Counselors
“Fabulous local resource!” - Charlie Kireker
“Community fitness in this awesome place we call home!” - Vermont Sun Fitness
“Preserving land and providing access to the natural world is essential to the health of any community.” - Leah of Bud’s Beans
“As a martial arts school owner and instructor I always support students to get outside and exercise. What better way to do both while taking a hike on the Trail Around Middlebury. Thank you for making this an option.” - KellieThomas of TD Kicks
“The TAM is an invaluable resource for trails and access to open land, right in our backyard!” - Theresa Harris of Edgewater Gallery
“As the country’s first climate neutral distillery, we value the natural world and organizations like MALT that facilitate access, recreation, preservation and appreciation of nature!” - Will Drucker of Appalachian Gap Distillery